WHOIS Database Download
Get comprehensive and properly parsed information on all domains that have ever been registered with a comprehensive WHOIS database download.
Our exhaustive historic WHOIS database download allows you to find out anything about a particular domain name. You will gain access to WHOIS records of all domain names we have monitored from 2008 on. You can find out who registered it, the registrar, expiry dates, last update date, who to contact about the domain name, and much more with the WHOIS database download...
Our WHOIS Database Download Provides all the Data you Need
We offer a comprehensive and duly parsed historic WHOIS database download as an MYSQL, MYSQL dump or CSV file. Each WHOIS record contains all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS data that your application can easily process.
Practical uses

Check the details of a domain name’s history and information on the registrant when transferring ownership in the WHOIS database download.

Check the details of a domain name’s history and information on the registrant when transferring ownership.

Check domain names when investigating unlawful activity to uncover connected domains, websites and IP addresses associated with fraudulent activities.
Whois Information of Websites on the Web
Every year, millions of organizations, individuals, governments, and businesses register new domain names or update existing ones. Each of them must provide essential information during registration. This information is what is popularly known as WHOIS data. WHOIS (pronounced as “who is”) database is a collection of information such as domain names, emails addresses, IP address, name, technical and administrative contacts, and other information that domain registrars make public when someone buys a domain name.
The domain registrars play an essential role in making sure that WHOIS data is accurate. Apart from providing this information during the registrations, they also maintain accuracy. This obligation is part of the contract they have with the registrar. On an annual basis, the registrars send notifications to the registrants about updating WHOIS information.
Taking into consideration the above, there is a vast amount of accurate information that can be useful to your business, organization or profession. The WHOIS database download provides complete or partial historic information that can be customized according to your needs.
Among other purposes, it can be leveraged to monitor competitors and anticipate their moves such as the launch of new products and services. WHOIS records may also be used to identify suspicious websites or can be employed to safeguard intellectual property over the Web.
With millions of domains registered every month and millions already on the internet, Domain Name Stat allows you to access a vast amount of domain names data. This includes websites that have been registered since 2008 and onwards – with a huge amount of records on active domains across thousands of TLDs and ccTLDs. Our in-depth parsed WHOIS database download is designed to ensure you get all the information you might need about domains.
Overview of our WHOIS Database Download
Domain Name Stat is among the leading WHOIS database providers that have comprehensive and up to date databases. We provide WHOIS database download in various formats for your convenience. You can get it as MYSQL, MYSQL dump, and Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. We also support all types of domains including TLDs & ccTLDs. We have 2800 plus TLDs & ccTLDs which include .com, .org, .net, .us, .biz, .info, .mobi, .coop, .pro, and .asia as well as ccTLDs such as .fr, .uk, and many more.
With our historic WHOIS records, you will get access to a vast amount of current and past records. Moreover, you have all files types available, so you can find the information you need from each category of fields. The database provides you with details of the history according to your general and specific needs.
Our database contains the following data (if provided by the owner of the domain)
- registration date
- domain name
- the expiry date
- billing name, telephone number, fax, and email
- administrator's name, telephone number, email, and fax
- tech support professional details such as email, name, telephone number, and fax
- registrar
- domain age and many more
Basically, we will provide any critical information you may require from our store. This data is provided on the website through real-time API and direct database downloads. The API is made available through a simple pricing structure. On top of this, the data is accurate, unified, well parsed and consistent. All WHOIS data with a WHOIS proxy/guard are removed.
Currently, we have over 13.7 billion WHOIS records with over 700+ million active domains. While this is not the entire list of domains registered to date, it represents a significant percentage. According to a VeriSign study, there are approximately 333.8 million registered domains by the end of the first quarter of 2018. The number of country-code TDL domains as at this time was 146.3 million, while .net and .com TDLs had a combined total of 148.3 million registered domains.
We understand the importance of this database to you and your organization that is why we have spent a tremendous amount of resources and time to create and protect it. Some of the domains we have in our database data back to 2008. Most of the WHOIS database download providers have only monitored recently registered domains.
Practical Application of WHOIS Database Download
Cyber Security Professionals & Law Enforcement Authorities - With the growing threat of cybercrime, there is a need for businesses and governments to prioritize online security. Fortunately, WHOIS comes alive for law enforcement agencies and cyber security professionals to detect and isolate potential criminal activities and to do general security analysis. These bodies and professionals use database download to track websites, IP addresses, and domains are linked to criminal activities. Unless you have a full WHOIS dataset, it will be difficult to conduct an authoritative check to unlock some key information about unlawful activities.
Registrars - Database download is also useful for registrars, especially for keeping track of domains. When transferring ownership, our vast data will provide you with details about the history of the domain. For instance, you can check the data regarding the past owner of a website — helping in the reservation of a domain name and the assignment of an IP address while avoiding duplicates.
Brand Monitoring - It is important for companies to check potential trademark infringement and to protect their intellectual property. This is especially true since consumer decisions nowadays are more than ever influenced by brands, possibly putting a company’s reputation at risk when misrepresentations occur. WHOIS data provide a way for these companies to check for domain duplicates and domain name similarities.
Market Research - Apart from checking trademark infringement, WHOIS data is useful for companies who want to examine domain details. With access to a wide range of domain data, marketers are better able to monitor trends and the digital marketplace altogether — adding another source of information that may be useful in your marketing strategies.
Fraud Detection - Fraudulent domains may be hard to spot and the ability to cross-check WHOIS ownership information can help detect them and prevent data breaches. For instance, WHOIS records can help investigate the credibility of a website before deciding to submit sensitive details there or even stop illicit money transfers by looking into the entities behind a suspicious domain.
Benefits of WHOIS Database Download
- Our WHOIS records will let you have access to over 700 million active domains in the latest version. Having the latest version of the records is particularly important considering that hundreds of thousands of domains are registered each day. We constantly update our database, so when you purchase a complete database, we will provide you access to future updates, which include information about new domain names.
- Apart from the massive record of domain names, we also offer an industry leading WHOIS historic records. With over 13.7 billion WHOIS records, you have unlimited information to cover all your needs.
- With our database, you will have access to parsed WHOIS data provided in the most convenient way. Our database download is available in Comma Separated Values (.CSV), MYSQL and MYSQL dump file formats. The system allows you to tailor the download according to your needs.
- Get up to date records for both TLDs and ccTLDs. The records cover wide variety of TDLs such as .com, .us, .net, .biz, .org, .info, .mobi, .coop, .pro, .asia among many others. Likewise, you can a wide variety of country specific extensions.
- Get key domain information captured from various angles. The information includes the registrant name, emails address, physical address, organization, registrar information, registration date, expiry date, updates, domain age, and domain availability among many other details.
- The WHOIS data you will get from us is normalized and parsed to a consistent format. This arrangement makes it easy to pick out the required information and integrate with your business systems.
- You will get information sorted in different groups such as country-specific, top-level domain (TLD) specific, registrar specific and full database. We can also customize WHOIS records according to your business needs.
Signing up for Comprehensive WHOIS Database Download
Just as you give priority to parameters that boost your business success, you should also take charge of threats that can destroy your business. WHOIS is a tool that can help you protect your intellectual property as well as check for trademark infringements. Apart from these use cases, there specific applications that suit several industries and companies. Purchase a complete WHOIS database, and you will get records of over 700 million active domains. If you have any question about how WHOIS database is applicable to your situation, or want to download our comprehensive WHOIS records, please get in touch with us.
We strive to give you the files as soon as possible in the most convenient format. Upon receiving your request our staff will review it. We would love to know how you intend to benefit from the data so that we can provide you with the most relevant information. Raw data is not included because we want to optimize the size of the database.
After we have approved your request, we will notify you and send you access to our database. You have the option to download all the WHOIS data or select a specific group of records. On top of this, you can also download a separate file for each TDL. Our state-of-the-art technology is a real time saver. It makes it possible for you to get hundreds of hours of work within a few minutes.
If you require tailored WHOIS data, for instance, if you want to scrape the data on your domain list, or if you require a database of a particular country, please let us know so that we can provide the right solutions. We are also available to answer questions you may have regarding our WHOIS data. Please use the contact form provided. Our technical support team will respond to your questions within a day.